
Charities Introduction
Helping to transform the world - The aim of the PCC's 'Transformation Group' is to enable our church community to engage more fully with the community around us in the love and welcome of God. We do this through supporting local, national and international charities as well as encouraging the congregation in the many ways they reach out to others through work, community and family. We also plan local outreach events such as carol singing and giving away mince pies in Victoria station at Christmas.

The Transformation group is always thinking of ways to connect with our parish. As a sign of God’s love in the community we also plan local outreach events such as Maundy Thursday shoe shining in Victoria station. We are a collection point for the Westminster Food bank.

Registered Charity No. 1133033
Charity support
Congregational giving to charity - Each year St Peter’s supports the work of at least three charities with links to our congregation. As well as holding social fundraising events for these charities we donate 10% of donations given to the church from stewardship and church collections - following the most ancient pattern of giving to those in need from the Sunday collection. We do this out of recognising our responsibility to give generously to others.
Charity Support in 2023
2023 Charities - This year 2023 St Peter’s is supporting The Passage working with homeless people in Westminster,

Open Doors working with people persecuted for their faith throughout the world and

Housing Justice working with churches like St Peter's who seek to connect with refugees and asylum seeker in London. The Passage - St Peter’s has a long time connection with The Passage. Each year we, along with St Peter’s school, give a harvest donation of food and clothing and several people from our congregation regularly volunteer with The Passage. Their vision is to offer welcome, dignity and respect whilst providing homeless people with support to transform their own lives. Their website is here.

Welcome Churches
Welcome Churches and Welcome Boxes - St Peter’s is part of the Welcome Churches Network in Britain, churches actively welcoming and reaching out to asylum seekers and refugees. And Welcome Boxes, a befriending ministry, is an integral part of this ministry. Volunteers from the church community at St Peter's are trained as befriends who visit refugees and help them find support and friendship. We are pleased to receive new practical items like toiletries, hats and gloves, toys, small household items, mobile phones and Oyster Cards. We also gratefully receive donations of money towards this work.

It has been a joy meeting people from around the world and helping them to feel welcome in their new home. We have 15 visitors from St Peter’s and have visited over 30 people from a multitude of countries. We host regular social events where people come together for fun and mutual support. The greatest aspect of Welcome Boxes is our focus on building friendships. It is our hope that Welcome Boxes will continue to grow as it seeks to respond to the ever-increasing need to welcome refugees as Christ has welcomed us.

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Get involved

For more information, to offer support or to join as a volunteer, contact the Priest Missioner - Revd Julie Khovacs:

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or phone 07540 418623 Registered Charity No. 1133033

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Opening Hours

Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday8:00am to 5pm
Sunday 8:00am to 1.00pm

About Us

St Peter’s Eaton Square is a beautiful parish church which offers a warm welcome to all...

Safeguarding Officer:
Raana Khatabakhsh
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