
The worship of Almighty God is at the heart of our common life and we welcome people of all ages to worship God together.

Sunday Services

Sunday Services

At 8.15 am the service is a simple celebration of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, with its beautiful and resonant language.
At 9.45 am the Family Eucharist welcomes all ages to worship and includes children throughout. There are hymns, with modern and traditional music, led by our Family Eucharist Choir. The service lasts around an hour and about once a month includes a baptism too.
At 11.15 am the Choral Eucharist is celebrated with a choral setting and motet sung by our outstanding professional choir. The service includes a short sermon and lasts about an hour and a quarter. A Parish Eucharist at 10.30 am replaces the Family Eucharist and Sung Eucharist on a few Sundays each year, and these special services are publicised well in advance.

Forthcoming Services

Weekday Services

Weekday Services

Anyone is welcome to join the clergy for Morning Prayer at 8 am (except on Wednesdays) and for Evening Prayer at 5 pm. The midweek Eucharists at 8 am on Wednesdays, and at 12.30 pm every day from Monday to Friday, offer an opportunity for quiet and reflective worship in the middle or at the start of a busy day.
The services last half an hour and everyone is welcome. There is also a celebration of the Eucharist at St Peter’s Primary School at 2.30 pm on Thursdays.

Holy Days

Holy Days

The feasts and holy days of the Christian year are observed at St Peter’s with special services. The details of these special services are always publicised in advance in the Magazine, which can be downloaded here:


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Opening Hours

Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday8:00am to 5pm
Sunday 8:00am to 1.00pm

About Us

St Peter’s Eaton Square is a beautiful parish church which offers a warm welcome to all...

Safeguarding Officer:
Raana Khatabakhsh
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