
Giving your time and skills

There are many ways in which you can become involved in the life of St Peter’s and support our mission. We welcome the time and talents you have to offer in the service of the parish.

There are many ways to get involved in supporting charities too. Our May Fair, held every other year, is a popular event in the community and raises money for special projects through the hard work of many volunteers. Our Christmas services and events also raise considerable sums for charity, and we encourage our members to get involved with charities as volunteers and supporters. We have a group which regularly volunteers with homeless people at The Passage, and we have a Welcome Box scheme to visit and support refugees. If you have time, energy and gifts to share with the church or the community around us and would like to get involved, please contact our Priest Missioner, Revd Julie Khovacs: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Congregational Giving - Financial Support for our Mission and Ministry

St Peter’s relies upon its congregation to fund its mission and ministry. Our church is an amazing building which is used every day by a wide range of people, charities and organisations. But it costs £1200 every day to run. We aim to be good stewards of our resources, and we have income from car parking and the rental of the crypts, the Parish Hall and other rooms. But a sizeable proportion of the income to fund our ministry and mission here has to come from congregational giving, and this is where you can help, through a regular or one off donation. Most members of our congregation give directly from their bank, and this is really easy to set up through the Parish Giving Scheme (see below), which makes giving simple and tax efficient.

The Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme

We are delighted to be part of the Parish Giving Scheme at St Peter’s. The Parish Giving Scheme handles the administration of our parish's regular giving, including reclaiming Gift Aid on all our tax-deductible donations and sending it to us promptly. By setting up your individual giving this way as a Direct Debit you can also agree to add a small inflationary increase each year, which protects the value of St Peter’s income.

If you are a member of the congregation or a friend of St Peter's and have not done so already, please set up regular giving to St Peter's through the Parish Giving Scheme, whether or not you are a UK taxpayer.
You can do this with just a telephone call to 0333 002 1271, using the St Peter's reference number 230623071.

To download more information click on the link below, and for more information, or if you would rather join the scheme with a paper form, please email John Hilary our Treasurer and Stewardship Officer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Legacies - Caring for the future of St Peter's

Another very important way to support the church is through a legacy. Leaving a fixed sum or a percentage of your estate to St Peter's enables us to continue to serve future generations, and generous legacies can enable projects which could not be possible otherwise. Legacies can be for the general expenses of the church, or can be directed to particular funds and if you would like to discuss this, please contact the treasurer or the Vicar.

If you have not already done so, we strongly encourage you to make a will. If you would like information about leaving a gift to the church in your will, there is helpful information here - click on the image of the leaflet to download a pdf information sheet from the Church of England. Registered Charity No. 1133033


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Opening Hours

Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday8:00am to 5pm
Sunday 8:00am to 1.00pm

About Us

St Peter’s Eaton Square is a beautiful parish church which offers a warm welcome to all...

Safeguarding Officer:
Raana Khatabakhsh
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