
Discipleship 1

At St Peter’s we recognise that we are all on a lifelong journey of discipleship, and are always learning about ourselves and about God. We make that journey of faith in the company of others, and learn with one another along the way. We encourage thoughtful and enquiring faith through varied preaching, discussion groups, confirmation preparation and spiritual retreats, as well as occasional lectures and quiet days.

In partnership with St Peter’s CE Primary School we are involved in the spiritual and moral development of the young people of our parish.

For information about current Lent, Confirmation or discipleship courses, see our newsletter and sign up to recieve it weekly, here. For more information contact Fr Jonathan.
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We have a Faith Discussion Group which meets monthly on a Monday evening, a monthly Book Group, and Lent Groups during the preparation for Easter, which meet in the daytime and the evening each week.

The St Peter's Youth Group for young people in Years 7-11 meets on Sunday evenings every other week, with a mixed programme of events. For more information click here

St Peter's Poppets is a playgroup which meets in our Parish Hall on Monday mornings during school terms. For more information, please contact Fr Jonathan.

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We frequently hold Quiet Days, retreats and social events, offering opportunities for stillness and prayer, with shared worship, food, acts of worship and meditations by the clergy.

Check out the news at the bottom of the front page of this website for information on upcoming events.
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We use our mailing lists and our website to communicate with our neighbours and give advance notice of these and other events, including special services and services at Christmas and Easter. Please subscribe to our email list and send us your contact details here.


At St Peter's disipleship is for all ages. We have an uplifiting and joyful minsitry with children, including St Peter's Poppets toddler group meeting each Monday and Friday morning.

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Opening Hours

Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday8:00am to 5pm
Sunday 8:00am to 1.00pm

About Us

St Peter’s Eaton Square is a beautiful parish church which offers a warm welcome to all...

Safeguarding Officer:
Raana Khatabakhsh
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